Mmm.. I worked this morning. It was pretty slow. But a very fun shift. Ryan was managing and he is such a funny person to be around. Everything went smoothly so the shift flew by! Surprisingly.. I don't work a double today!:) so I'm off for the evening. And very hungry at the moment. So we are going I eat a little and visit :)) beautiful day!
So.. On our jog today this is what we found.. Lol!

Why are the panties in the trees? If only trees could talk..
On this beautiful day.. This is what I see when I look up.. Blue skies.. Sun peaking over the house. All the neighbor kids are outside laughing and playing. It's just perfect. The right amount of relaxation and inspiration. I'm taking time to reflect.. Think about life, hard work, and good people. My puppy dogs are laying with me and I'm happy.
I have wanderlust.. to get to the place in my life where I am financially free, and therefore have liberty to pursue my wanderlust in full force, that is what makes me say.. I'm not giving up.
I want to have a great story. And many experiences.
Come on girls.. You know you do it.;)

We are on our way back from Wendy's. a side of apples is $1.29 now days..geez.
We picked up some food for Jamie(the co- owner of Coopers Florist:) now taking it to her and then going to do the project with all the fencing panels I have!
Home Depot was a success. I believe I found everything I need. When I asked for a hand saw.. The guy looked at me funny.. And proceeded to ask, "are you sure you don't want something with a little power?!" I shrugged my shoulders, held up my arm to flex at him and said "I'm trying to work out more (grin)" ;)
Hey name is Chiquita! She wears dresses and shoes and sunglasses and necklaces and bracelets! Some people love their dogs like kids. Lol crazy!

And this is my life.. I walk into Home Depot while talking in the phone, trying to make my way to the things I need.. And then I see this little craziness running around everywhere!
I got off the phone, ran up to the lady, like, Can I please take some pictures of your dog??!

Baha! Now onto the stain and handsaw.. :D
See all that wood behind me.. Now I'm going to Home Depot to get a hand saw, some sandpaper, long nails and dark wood stain to make something beautiful.:) I need some stands to put my plants on and a trellace to grow vines and ivy.

Ill be updatin as I go.. So follow along. We'll see how good I am at handiwork;)
Then she plays in the water:) and I stretch...
She is soo soo scared of jumping down the cavern. But once we get to the water she gets extremely excited!
So first we climb up this...
So that we can see this:)
Then it's up and down hills from there.:)
We are on our walk right now and when we walk beside the road she likes to be held.. I guess a 7lb weight is good for my work out anyway:P